

Metasurfaces are planar metamaterials providing a subwavelength control of all light properties thanks to engineerable nanoelements. We are developing metasurfaces for high-power lasers, as well as expanding on deep tech applications, such as augmented reality, photonic integrated circuits and biosensors.

Space-time beams

By creating correlations between the spatial and temporal degrees of freedom of light we synthesize space-time beams with unprecedented properties, such as “light springs” consisting of ultrashort pulses orbiting on complex trajectories on a femtosecond scale.

Structured laser-matter interactions

Can we use high-power meta-optics and space-time beams to structure laser-matter interactions? We are particularly active in the realm of laser-plasma physics and intense nonlinear optics.

Optical neural networks and AI

Can we think of a form of light that is seamlessly alive and structure itself? We are working in this direction combining physical neural networks and principles of Artificial Life.