Selected publications

Nozaki–Bekki solitons in semiconductor lasers
N. Opačak et al., Nature 625, 685 (2024)

Broadband control of topological-spectral correlations in space-time beams
M. Piccardo et al., Nature Photonics 17, 822 (2023)

Vortex laser arrays with topological charge control and self-healing of defects
M. Piccardo et al., Nature Photonics 16, 359 (2022)

Unifying frequency combs in active and passive cavities: Temporal solitons in externally-driven ring lasers
L. Columbo et al., Physical Review Letters 126, 173903 (2021)

Multifunctional wide-angle optics and lasing based on supercell metasurfaces
C. Spägele et al., Nature Communications 12, 1 (2021)

Roadmap on multimode light shaping
M. Piccardo et al., J. Opt. 24, 013001 (2021)

Frequency combs induced by phase turbulence
M. Piccardo et al., Nature 582, 360 (2020)

Remote structuring of near-field landscapes
V. Ginis et al., Science 369, 436 (2020)

Arbitrary polarization conversion for pure vortex generation with a single metasurface
M. Piccardo et al., Nanophotonics 10, 727 (2020)

Widely tunable compact terahertz gas lasers
P. Chevalier et al., Science 366, 856 (2019)

Radio frequency transmitter based on a laser frequency comb
M. Piccardo et al., PNAS 116, 9181 (2019)

Self-starting harmonic frequency comb generation in a quantum cascade laser
D. Kazakov et al., Nat. Photonics 11, 789 (2017)